Stratus Cube Articles


Introducing Moon Tug for iPad

August 12, 2013

Introducing Moon Tug for iPad
I have developed and released an iPad game called Moon Tug. It is a two player game where you try to pull the moon to your own planet before the other player do...

Introduction to Selenium WebDriver

February 10, 2013

Introduction to Selenium WebDriver
Selenium WebDriver lets you write code to perform automated tests of web pages. Unlike Selenium IDE (which records clicks that you perform in the browser and pl...

Introduction to Selenium IDE

February 3, 2013

Introduction to Selenium IDE
Selenium IDE is a plugin for Firefox that allows Quality Assurance representatives to test web based software or websites. It works similar to how macros work. ...

How to Get Free Blog Hosting

January 8, 2011

How to Get Free Blog Hosting
Follow these instructions to get free blog hosting: Go to and sign up for the free plan. Login to your account. At the top choose: Web Tools Elef...

App Inventor Beta

October 7, 2010

App Inventor Beta
I bult a Tic-Tac-Toe game for Android phones tonight using App Inventor . I didn't have to write a single line of code but I was still able to use logic such as...

Ruby on Rails vs

August 8, 2009

Ruby on Rails vs
Resource 1 What I Left With: Use the programming platform that is best for yo...

Google Chrome OS vs Xandros Presto

July 8, 2009

Google Chrome OS vs Xandros Presto
It is great that Google is entering the desktop Linux scene, but check out this comparison to see what is already available today. Google Chrome OS Available: 2...

Web Development Goodies

June 18, 2009

Web Development Goodies
I found out about Leigeber Web Development Blog tonight. If you are a web developer, you might want to check out some of the goodies that are presented such as:...

Moving to from ColdFusion

April 18, 2009

Moving to from ColdFusion
This article provides: A link to MSDN (Microsoft Developer Network) where you can see some of the ColdFusion® to .net translations that Microsoft has provided S...

Google Brain Search Joke

April 1, 2009

Google Brain Search Joke
If you visit today with a Windows Mobile browser you might encounter an ad that reads "Dont forget: Brain Search". (I have not tested it with other m...

List of Free Photo Gallery Software

October 7, 2008

List of Free Photo Gallery Software
Here is a list of free photo gallery systems that you can install on your website: Gallery Coppermine Gallery Plogger JetPhoto Studio Flash Gallery If you know ...

Online MultiPlayer Games

October 3, 2008

Online MultiPlayer Games
Here are some online multiplayer games you might enjoy. TankMania Tribal Wars Globulos TrackMania Nations (Huge download, but worth it.) If you know of any othe...

The Road to Icons for Developers

August 5, 2008

The Road to Icons for Developers
Follow these links if you are looking for icons to use in your projects. http://...

Firebug for Firefox. Fabulous!

July 1, 2008

Firebug for Firefox. Fabulous!
Firebug is an addon for the Firefox web browser. It is a useful tool for web-developers. You can use it to debug javascript, CSS issues, observe AJAX requests a...

3D Cubed Desktop Managers

June 26, 2008

3D Cubed Desktop Managers
3D window managers allows for your computer desktop to become 4 (or more) virtual desktops which you can rotate around as a cube. You simply rotate the cube aro...

DesktopTwo (An Online Desktop)

June 5, 2008

DesktopTwo (An Online Desktop)
I found out about Desktoptwo, an online desktop with a file manager, music player, and more; while checking out the Web 2.0 awards at .

Disabling Startup Programs

June 5, 2008

Disabling Startup Programs
Here is a handy tip for when your computer gets too bogged down. You can disable some programs from starting up when your computer starts up.

Creating an Android Project

May 31, 2008

Creating an Android Project
Here is a video of Dan Morrill explaining how to use Eclipse to develop a simple Android application that lists contacts and lets you click one to make a phone ...

Computer Shortcuts for Cutting Time

November 10, 2007

Computer Shortcuts for Cutting Time
Using shortcuts can save you time and frustration. Use these ones while you work on the computer. Remember to bookmark this page so you can come back to it easi...

4 Tips for Better Browsing

November 9, 2007

4 Tips for Better Browsing
Here are some handy ways to speed up or make your Internet browsing experience better. Refresh Quickly with the F5 Key F5 refreshes the page. Don't waste time m...